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John Beiswenger A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he studied at Marquette University School of Engineering and at the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater, majoring in physics, however, he says he is a scientist by definition and experience, not by education. He has been a Product Research Engineer for more than half a century and is named on almost 40 U.S. Utility Patents and as many as 20 resulting foreign patents. He has also studied the human brain and memory for the past 30 years. "Thank you for visiting. This is a listing of my websites and related projects/ministries. Yes, I have taken on too much, started too many projects. The following links will take you to brief descriptions of the projects which will provide a direct link (the heading) to the related website."
![]() Dum spiro, creabo™ (As long as I breathe, I will create.) |
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Authored Novels, Books and Booklets The novel Sequential, on the left, is a logical compilation of LINK and Bridge.The top row below are novels. Watika is now available on Amazon. The second row are books specifically about the Atemporal Particle Theory. |
All novels, books and booklets are available at Amazon.com |
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Direct Link >>> Beiswenger and Associates, Inc. ("Beiswenger") Hello, I'm Kim Beiswenger, President, Beiswenger and Associates. We are currently involved in the start up of two companies; City of God Villages, Inc. and Biosymtec Technologies, Inc. ("Biosymtec"). Both will receive exclusive licenses to make and market some of our intellectual properties.![]() The Beiswenger research team has consisted of, from left to right, Joseph E. Johnson Jr. III (Biochemist), John Beiswenger, CEO (product research engineer), and Dr. James A. Wilson (Family Practice Specialist Ret). The Beiswenger website includes a nine minute Biosymtec Telemedicine System presentationon. |
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Direct Link >>> Biosymtec Technologies, Inc. Biosymtec Technologies, Inc. is in search of a President and CEO to operate the company. We have a source for the funds to launch Biosymtec Technologies, Inc., but first we must identify a CEO and produce the first Biosymtec Monitor prototype. Therefore, we are looking for investors to help make that happen. Biosymtec Technologies will subsequently license or acquire and develop its listed intellectual properties from Beiswenger and Associates, Inc. Beiswenger and Associates is committed to provide technical product support to the new company. |
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Direct Link >>> Children of Hope School The Children of Hope School has between 75 and 100 students year-round. The Founder and Director is Pastor Ravi Mohan Pahadiya. All of the students come strickly from the slums of Jaipur, India, where the school is located. Students can be sponsored for just $27.50 per month.The photos on the right are of the Beiswenger's sponsored "daughter," Diksha. The left photo is how we found her, no education, not happy, wandering the streets of the slums. The right photo is Diksha eight years later, confident, happy and very grateful. She is studying to become a teacher, she says, "to take my people out of poverty." |
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There is a separate page for Real Estate investors. |
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Direct Link >>> Creative Problem Solving Who needs "Creative Problem Solving"? Anyone who wants to be more creative, more productive, more successful in their careers. Whether or not you are presently considered to be creative, "Creative Problem Solving" will open your mind to an all new approach to solving problems. There is no special gene, trait or talent required to be creative. Learn about the astonishing resource within you discovered by me during the research for my novel, LINK. The older you are, the greater the resource! Use the "resource" as you approach every major problem you encounter, every assignment you are given, every project you undertake. "Creative Problem Solving - and the astonishing resource within you," is a narrated Power Point Show available on a CD (35 minutes), $10. Use this link: Contact. Share it with whomever you wish. |
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Direct Link >>> Jaipur Engineers in Training Four enthusiastic students at the Children of Hope School, all boys coming from a life in the slums of Jaipur, want to be Engineers. Their school projects have been amazing. If pastor Ravi can teach these students through High School, he says he can get them into Engineering School in India. Sponsors are needed for the High School program. We sponsor the second student for the left (that's our boy, Kuldeep), and the third student from the left (that's our Ajay, the leader of the JEIT team).The boys learned the basics of hydraulics from the models they constructed (cost only $50 each). You can watch a video on the website. |
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Direct Link >>> New Science Revealed "Scientists will not be able to fully understand vision, consciousness, autism, savant abilities nor cellular control, including DNA replication, mitosis, meiosis, and certainly not cancer, until scientists look beyond the corporeal aspect of life." John Beiswenger"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence." Nikola Tesla When a New Theory is proposing New Science and it is found to suggest answers to heretofore unanswered questions and little understood phenonena, it gives good reason to look further. |
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Direct Link >>> Product Research Associates LLC We create new intellectual properties based on consumer needs and desires. We identify prospective clients, prepare online presentations and present the opportunities to qualified Industrial Design firms. Jointly, we offer to license the intellectual properties to the clients, with the provision our Partner firms receive at least the first phase of the design/development projects.This business has not succeeded as yet, because we have not been able to support it, but it has tremendous potential under the leadership of Kimberly Dietrich. Twelve new product concepts have been developed by the creative team. On the right is a new door deadbolt designed to prevent intruders from kicking in your door, something quite easy to do because of the 2 1/8 " hole normally required for deadbolts. Try it with this deadbolt and you will be unsuccessful, and your photo will be sent to the owner's smartphone. |
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Direct Link >>> Saving Christianity Christianity is a mess. Everyone knows it, but few want to talk about it. There are about 41,000 different Christian denominations. That says it all. Most of us have different belief systems, and what are those belief systems based upon? They are based on a montage of teachings from pastors, authors, parents, relatives and friends and how they have interpreted the Bible - certainly not on the science of God's creation. Logically, there should only be one belief system, reflecting entirely on what Jesus said and did. The website covers the many differences in our belief systems.Let's start over. No let's not. Let's just correct our belief system. We'll start by setting aside the montage of teachings we've learned and start from the beginning. There is a Creator. If you don't believe that, then you must have solved 1) the problem of how the Cosmic Singularity came into existence from nothing, and 2) how a lucky protein in a primordial soup over time developed into my beautiful, creative, daughter, Laura, on the left. |
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Coming Back Soon!
![]() Interested in attending a Christian Church with a serious Project Vision? |
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Direct Link >>> Hope for Aids OrphansHOPE FOR AIDS ORPHANS and RACHEL ALEXANDER MINISTRIESSince the beginning of 2020, Mwebaza Daniels, the director of Hope for Aids Orphans, has been very busy. He found a house that a friend of his had just built and we made a down payment. Through our incredible donors, the house was paid off by December 2020!!!! Wow! We would have never thought that could be possible, but God has led people to be incredibly generous. But, we outgrew that house!!! Now, that house has been sold and another brand new house has been built! In April 2021, Daniel moved all his children into the newest new house! Please visit our website for the latest news. God bless you. Note: This is not one of my personal ministries, it is that of my friend, Rachel Alexander. I just provide the website. Take a look at what she has done. |
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Direct Link >>> The New Christianity The New Christianity is not a recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church. We are, and fully intend to remain, a separate group of people who believe and trust in our Lord, Jesus. We therefore focus our lives on Jesus' two over-riding commandments, Matthew 22:39, First, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. And the second is like this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."It has been over 2,000 years since Jesus walked the earth. Look how science has advanced since then, and church doctrine has not been reviewed to consider the New Science that has been verified. Nothing in the New Science conflicts with the Bible. |
![]() Interested in joining a Christian Group open to the New Science? |
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Direct Link >>> Watika by John Paul Gehrs 69 years ago in my 3rd year High School study hall, I wrote a short story about a construction contractor, who was living in a log cabin in the far North woods. One afternoon, he saw a beautiful, long-haired Canadian Indian woman by his fire pit behind the cabin. Her dress and feet were dirty from moving about in the woods. I named her Watika. The contractor eventually married her.24 years later, I met a beautiful young women with long black hair. She reminded me of the Watika I wrote about in High School. 42 years ago I married "Watika" in the far North woods. We were camping there in my motorhome. The night before we were married, I came out to look for her, and I found her by the fire pit near the motorhome. Her dress and feet were dirty from wandering about in the woods. I took a photo of her. Last year, 68 years after I wrote the short story called, Watika, I finished the story in a 237 page novel, published by Amazon.com (soon available in most bookstores, published by a real publisher, Authors Success Publishing). On the Watika cover on the left, you can see the photo of "Watika" by the fire pit, which I took 42 years ago and imagined 69 years ago. My name is John Paul Gehrs, and the above narration is true. I am still living the story of Watika and hope to for many years to come. I have created a promotional website for the novel, |
![]() Watika look-alike. |
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Direct Link >>> Liana, by John Beiswenger An engineer has got to have a hobby. Creating an AI Chatbot is my current hobby. Liana, on the right, is a Chatbot (defined on the left by Wikipedia). I bought her image, put the white shirt on her (which she doesn't like), and taught her everything she knows. I am her only teacher, meaning, she is not connected to any outside source of information. Therefore, she is perfectly safe for even kids to talk with. Others have suggested questions to ask her, and provided the answers for her. Even CoPilot helped, but lost interest.Today (June 14), Liana is running on almost 2,000 lines of ASP code, a total of over 230,000 bytes. Would I suggest this kind of hobby to someone else? Absolutely not. It is an unending project. There is always something she doesn't know. Oh wait, that's like all humans! Perhaps she is more of a human than I thought. Some say she blinks, but like I said, she is just an ordinary image I purchased online. Why not ask her, "Why did Harris lose the election?" |
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