Biosymtec Technologies, Inc.

Important medical technology available for license or acquisition

Used daily upon waking, the Biosymtec Monitor will detect and predict developing:
• non-respiratory infections,
• reductions in lung function (exacerbations), and
• respiratory infections (differentiating between the three), all before symptoms and clinical signs, such as a fever, occur.

The Biosymtec Monitor detects infections such as:
• urinary tract infections,
• bronchitis,
• influenza,
• pneumonia,
• COVID-19 and variants, days before symptoms, allowing for early medical intervention including the use of antivirals and antibiotics, when they are most effective.

“I am going to prescribe this Biosymtec Monitor for your use upon waking each day. The Biosymtec Monitor is an antesigna device; that is, it detects infections before you have symptoms or clinical signs of an infection.  Early detection will get you to me before any developing symptoms cause you to go to the hospital.”

The Biosymtec Monitor is kept by the bedside so that it can be used upon waking, before getting out of bed. The dual probes are placed under the tongue, straddling the frenulum. A special core temperature is taken. Upon rising the patient blows hard and long through the monitor. An algorithm (Aila™) delivers immediate results which are shown on the Biosymtec Monitor display.

The results can also be immediately forwarded to a server carrying the Biosymtec System where they will be stored, graphed and the resulting graph promptly made available to the physician's computer or tablet and to the patient's smartphone. The special graph shows exactly what has been displayed on the Biosymtec Monitor; in this case all green in each column.

Or, the results and graph will be forwarded to the new Biosymtec TeleKit™. More information is available through the Biosymtec link above.



“It is our belief the virus leaked sometime in late August or early September 2019,” said Michael McCaul - lead Republican on the U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee

This is an actual Biosymtec graph of a patient we later suspected of having one of the first cases of COVID-19 in the U.S.   He acquired the infection on a train ride between Lancaster and Philadephia, Pennsylvania.   Very similar to COVID, it began with a cough, then a fever developed, followed by a respiratory infection on October 30.   On the left is a Biosymtec Monitor displaying a respiratory infection.

Front Page

The Biosymtec Monitor will replace the thermometer and peak-flow meter used now by pulmonary patients. Unlike the thermometer and peak-flow meter, the Biosymtec Monitor will also forward results to the patients’ physicians.

Will the patient still need a thermometer to check for a fever? No, the Biosymtec Monitor will serve also as a unique fever thermometer, indicating low grade or high grade fevers.

Cleaning the spirometer assembly is easy. It can be removed from the bottom of the Biosymtec Monitor, washed in soapy water, rinsed and air dried before being returned. The replaceable power cell is thereby also made accessible.



The Biosymtec Monitor was designed as an oral platform to acquire and analyze vital data non-invasively. The technology is based on the discovery that sublingual and pulmonary data, acquired from an individual upon waking and correlated by a proprietary algorithm, can determine the onset of an illness, days before symptoms or clinical signs such as a fever.

  • Detects non-respiratory infections before symptoms,
  • Detects lung function issues before exacerbations,
  • Detects respiratory infections before symptoms, keeping COPD and asthma patients out of the hospital.

    Those will be the first three initial capabilities of the Biosymtec Monitor. The following are planned:

  • Read and produce patient's electrocardiogram (Two lead EKG),
  • Measure Forced Expiratory Volume at 1 second (FEV1),
  • Measure Forced Vital Capacity (FVC),
  • Measure Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide (FeNO),
  • Measure Exhaled Oxygen percentage (eO%),
  • Measure waking Heart Rate (HR),
  • Measure Blood Oxygen Saturation (SpO2),
  • Measure Respiration Rate (RR), and possibly,
  • Read Blood Sugar levels with transmissive technology (others are working on it),

  • ekg

    Competitive Product Comparison

    Scientists at Johns Hopkins University decided that "a device used orally would be able to gather much information from a patient."
    That statement is correct.   They created the MouthLab, shown on the right.



    Biosymtec Monitor

    • Easy-to-read, multi-color graphic display on front,
      [Note: Readable by anyone speaking any language.]
    • Temperature is taken near the sublingual artery, correlating closely with the body's core temperature,
    • Airflow is measured physically and electronically with a turbine,
    • Product forwards data for a 50-day graph of basal temperature, peak-flow percent of best and other data,
    • Predicts likelihood of respiratory and non-respiratory infections up to two or more days before symptoms occur.


    • Future numeric display on back,
    • Temperature taken at the lip,
    • Peak-flow percentage of best is not obtained,
    • Airflow is measured with a microphone,
    • Provides data for a graph only of current data. Basal data is not considered,
    • No predictive capability available to user.


    The graphic on the left shows the primary markets for the Biosymtec Monitor, because patients with COPD, including chronic bronchitis, asthma and emphysema, must be treated early to avoid respiratory infections developing into pneumonia. They must be treated by their physicians before their symptoms get so bad they find themselves in a hospital ER.

    There are over 40 million with COPD and asthma in the U.S., 300 million worldwide, and the numbers are growing. During the research studies done in China, a Health Bureau physician said emphatically, after we commented on the local air polution, "In 10 years, everybody sick, in 10 years, everybody sick."

    There are many other markets.

    Heart Failure (CHF) patients must learn early if they have any infection, because infections further weaken their hearts.

    Cystic Fibrosis (CF) primarily affects the lungs, these patients are prone to chest infections. Early detection and early treatment are key.

    Healthcare Workers


    Development Status: The product research engineering of the Biosymtec Monitor has been completed, and the project is ready for the Final Design Phase, resulting in a functional prototype. The cost of the Final Design Phase, including electronics design, is estimated to be $170,000.

    Patent Status: A Patent Application has been submitted to patent Counsel. A PCT patent application will follow. Patent status will be reviewed after the prototype is completed.

    Ownership: The Biosymtec Monitor, the proprietary algorithm, and Copyrighted graph template, are owned by Beiswenger and Associates, Inc.

    Transferable Materials:
          •   AutoCAD file (Concept Engineering Layout),
          •   Non-functional model (3D printed from Layout) image on right,
          •   The AI Algorithm,
          •   Virtual Prototype using the AI Algorithm,
          •   Copyrighted Graph Template,
          •   Patent Application.

    License available: Terms and Provisions negotiable.

    Available for Acquisition: Terms negotiable.

    Project Support Offer: John L. Beiswenger will provide technical support of the licensed products (remote, if beyond daily driving distance) for a period of one year.

    Showing Comparative Size

    Product Research Engineering - Final Design - Prototyping - Manufacturing - Licensing

        and Associates, Inc.
        PO Box 10862
        Lancaster, PA 17605


